Dorm Room Dispute Episode #8 (Dec 29th, 2018)

Episode 9 December 30, 2018 01:02:59
Dorm Room Dispute Episode #8 (Dec 29th, 2018)
Dorm Room Dispute
Dorm Room Dispute Episode #8 (Dec 29th, 2018)

Dec 30 2018 | 01:02:59


Show Notes

Mitch opens the podcast by giving Baker Mayfield a lesson in maturity. Then we look at week 16 of NFL, Christmas NBA scores, EPL winter break roundup, and some college football news including the infamous Cheese it bowl. Then we break down our hots and nots, who would the Bears rather face in the playoffs between the Vikings and Eagles, if the Chargers are legit superbowl contenders, and Marshall closes out the podcast by expaining why the Steelers don't deserve the playoffs.

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